Brighton Oasis Project

Dry January for Brighton Oasis Project

Orla Dillon

Orla Dillon

My Story

I'm Orla, I'm a 22 year old Mental Health Nursing Student and I work for Brighton Oasis Project by assessing those that come to us for help.

We are a charity offering support for women dealing with substance misuse, providing a keyworker who helps them plan their recovery, assistance with signposting and life admin, and giving our service users access to a variety of support groups we run for women with similar experiences.

The service is adaptive, caring and I am incredibly proud to be a part of it. This is why I want to raise money for this service by completing Dry January.

This means no alcohol for the whole of January 2019. I am so excited to make this change, like many people my relationship with alcohol is not as healthy as it could be. I want to take this month to reevaluate this and see what I can achieve with a month of sobriety.

Any small donations made would be so helpful! As Oasis is a charity it is through fundraising and applications for grants that we are enabled to deliver such a vital and beloved service.

Happy New Year!




  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I'm Orla, I'm a 22 year old Mental Health Nursing Student and I work for Brighton Oasis Project by assessing those that come to us for help.

We are a charity offering support for women dealing with substance misuse, providing a keyworker who helps them plan their recovery, assistance with signposting and life admin, and giving our service users access to a variety of support groups we run for women with similar experiences.

The service is adaptive, caring and I am incredibly proud to be a part of it. This is why I want to raise money for this service by completing Dry January.

This means no alcohol for the whole of January 2019. I am so excited to make this change, like many people my relationship with alcohol is not as healthy as it could be. I want to take this month to reevaluate this and see what I can achieve with a month of sobriety.

Any small donations made would be so helpful! As Oasis is a charity it is through fundraising and applications for grants that we are enabled to deliver such a vital and beloved service.

Happy New Year!
